The Hostopostos is a fun, educational activity targeted at children aged between 6 and 10 years. The aim of this giant board game is to encourage children to play in Basque with their family or friends. It is an excellent opportunity to experience new things and get to know new people, as well as to explore the Basque language in greater depth.

Last Saturday of the month
Who can participate?
Families and groups that include children aged between 6 and 10 years
Num. of participants:
Minimum 3 and maximum 10 players*. There must be one adult per every three children.
Playing times:
Last Saturday of every month, from 11:00 to 12:00
50 minutes
944 028 081
We have opted for a cooperative family game because we believe it helps develop the imagination and fosters the creative potential of all participants. The aim is to improve family and collective relationships, provide a fun experience and help foster a feeling of complicity between players. In short, the aim is to focus on values, respect, listening, dialogue, creativity and imagination in relation to Basque.