The Basque Interpretation Centre

Years 1 and 2 of secondary 

Let’s look at Basque role models!

There are many prominent Basque-speakers in sport, music, film and television, extempore verse singing and literature.

The aim of this activity is to measure students’ knowledge and introduce them to new Basque-speaking role models who may be of interest to them.

The teaching unit is divided into two parts: an initial optional exercise designed to be completed before the visit in the classroom, and the activities organised by the Basque Interpretation Centre. Although the first part is optional, we highly recommend that you complete it in order to make the most of your visit.

Activate your knowledge! (We recommend you complete this activity in the classroom before coming to visit us).

Duration: 45-60 min.

More information here (pdf)

Visit + Workshop: Guided tour of the Interpretation Centre + Workshop on the contents of the visit.

Duration: 50 +50 min.